Thursday, June 23, 2022

3 Years Later


Amy Carmichael with Children in India

Christian History Institute
:"When she was a child, her mother told her that if she prayed, the Lord would answer.  One night, Carmichael prayed for blue eyes instead of brown.  In the morning she jumped out of bed and ran to the mirror where she wailed in disappointment to see her eyes still brown.  Her mother had to explain that 'no' is an answer, too.  God meant her to have brown eyes for a reason, she said."  Amy obeyed the call of God on her life, to serve as a missionary to India.  Once in India, she discovered little children were being rented as prostitutes in Hindu temples.  They were primarily young girls dedicated to the gods, forced into prostitution to earn money for the priests.  Families often sold their children to the temples if they didn't want them, or needed extra money with one less mouth to feed.  Amy started to rescue these children, and founded an orphanage known as Dohnavur Fellowship.  As mentioned earlier, she prayed (as a young girl) more than once, for her eyes to turn blue.  Each time, she was disappointed when God didn't make that happen.  Fast forward years later into her missionary service of rescuing, or "kidnapping" these young girls.  Christian History Institute:"Dressed in a sari, her skin stained brown (dyed with dark coffee grounds), she could pass as a Hindu.  Now she understood why God had given her brown eyes!"  In God's infinite wisdom, Amy also had dark brown hair.  Since childhood, I too have had things about my physical appearance I didn't like.  Praying God would change those features as I grew up, and got older.  However, God had other purposes in mind...

Aztec Dance Presentation March 2019

"The Aztecs (part of my heritage) were short & stocky, the men rarely more than 5 feet 6 inches tall & the women more delicately built with an average height of about 4 feet 8 inches.  Skin color varied from dark to light brown, & the typical Aztec face was broad with a prominent, & often hooked, nose.  Eyes were black or brown almond-shaped.  Hair was coarse, black, & straight.  Hair on the face was considered unpleasant, but nature collaborated with art by endowing the men with only meager beards.  Both men & women had great powers of endurance."  I have lost count of how many times I have gone to Northland Region Corrections Facility, and Maori (Indigenous people of New Zealand) would see me and be curious.  They would say, "Hey bro, are you Native American?"  Or they would say, "Hey bro, are you Mexican (spot on)?"  Time after time, God would use my heritage and "look" to break the ice with the inmates.  They would then tell me about how they saw some documentary on Native Americans, and ask about certain tribes, and the geographical placement of them on the continent of North America.  We would then talk freely about colonization, church history, missions history, and Jesus.

Derek's 1st Poem for me to read

On Tuesday, February 18, 2020, we had our very first Malachi Dads Graduation Ceremony at Northland Region Corrections Facility.  It was a day in which I will never forget.  I gave a short message from the Bible, had a time of prayer, some inmates giving their testimonies, handing out certificates of completion, and finally partaking in a meal provided by the Chaplains.  It was a real treat to read their homework every week, and see what God was teaching them.  There was one inmate I will never forget...Derek Lynn.  At times, it seemed he wasn't paying attention...or so I thought.  He began to turn in poems and drawings every week with his homework.  These were some of the best poems I had ever read in my life!  I then asked him for permission to read them at the Calvary Chapel Whangarei prayer meeting every week (and share one here on this newsletter).  Every Tuesday evening, our church looked forward to me reading them out loud before our time of prayer.  I couldn't wait every week to see what new poem he had written.  Here is an excerpt from a 2 page letter he wrote to me..."I appreciate you coming & sharing the Lord in such a dark & hopeless place.  Today hearing you speak of how my poems were reaching people out there gave me such a deep sense of pride and joy that I've never really felt before...Listening to how much energy & compassion you had in your voice while discussing the Bible, God, Jesus, etc. it reopened something inside me that was shut for so long, its given a new sense & want to rejoin the light, instead of hiding & living in the shadows.  I am now looking forward to the future."  On Sunday, December 6, 2020, we had our 2nd Malachi Dads Graduation Ceremony.  Another day, that I will never forget as the years go by.  Chaplains Pam and Gwen, were beyond kind to me.  God used them to bless me in so many ways.  My final day at Northland Region Corrections Facility...was Tuesday, January 26, 2021.

Christmas 2020 card from a student & his Mum

My final day coaching the juniors (Age 9-14) at Lion's Den MMA Ministries, was Wednesday, January 27, 2021.  Whether it was giving private lessons, coaching competition class, cornering them while competing at a tournament, grabbing a bite to eat, or helping them gain was all a privilege to be a part of their lives.  Huge thank you to Founder/Head Coach Ryan Anderson, for giving me the opportunity to coach/mentor these young lives.

Baptizing Travers Hornsby January 3, 2021

On Sunday, January 3, 2021, I had the honor of baptizing three people with Pastor Ryan Anderson.  As many years as I have been serving Jesus, baptisms will always be special days!  My final Sunday morning at Calvary Chapel Whangarei, was January 31, 2021.  I had lived and served the Lord in Whangarei, for a little over 1 year and 7 months.  A bittersweet feeling washed over me that day.  So many memories made in that time.  I have always believed, you give credit where credit is due.  I want to give a huge shoutout and thank you to the Anderson Family.  Not only did Pastor Ryan give me the opportunity to be his Assistant Pastor at Calvary Chapel Whangarei, his Assistant Coach at Lion's Den MMA Ministries, but helped me get established in New Zealand, in so many practical ways.  I don't want to take away their rewards in Heaven haha...but thank you guys for heaps of laughs, home cooked meals, social outings, helping me find a place to live, driving me around, letting me borrow one of your cars, helping me obtain my own car, car repairs, and so much more!  What I will always appreciate and remember about Pastor Ryan's he never micromanaged me.  He laid out the general schedule of the two ministries, but gave me complete/total freedom to start new things, take on new things, and plan my own weekly schedule.  He told me once, "I believe it's the Holy Spirit's job to direct His servants.  I don't want to make anyone do anything they don't want to do."

Church Logo

On Monday February 1, 2021, I loaded up my car and left Whangarei (Northland Region) to drive down the line and move to Hawke's Bay (Region).  A husband and wife were sensing God giving them the vision and desire to plant a Calvary Chapel in Hastings.  This generous and loving couple, came from Calvary Tucson in Arizona.  Out of the whole region, Hastings had the largest population, it's where the Hawke's Bay Regional Prison is located, the hospital is located, some rough neighborhoods, and where the Mongrel Mob (has 30 chapters) was founded in 1962.  As they surveyed the whole region and all its districts (counties), the burden or greatest needed was in Hastings.  However, amongst the leadership, it was clear we didn't want to limit our reach to just Hastings.  So, it was decided to name the church Calvary Hawke's Bay.  We launched the church Easter Sunday April 4, 2021.  That day, we even had people from Calvary Chapel Whangarei and Calvary Chapel Bible Institute show up, donate financially, and serve!  I will never forget the kindness shown by these people.

Grappling Academy Logo

On Monday May 3, 2021, an outreach of the church was launched for Juniors (Age 9-14)...Golgotha Grappling Academy.  The couple mentioned last paragraph, are also huge MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fans.  They believed martial arts would be a great way to get kids off the streets, away from the gangs, and work out their frustration/anger through the sport of mixed martial arts.  In New Zealand like Australia, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Grappling Martial Art) & MMA have taken root, and has grown a lot over the years in popularity.  It was was no different in Hawke's Bay.  Striking Martial Arts were also here (Boxing, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, etc.).  I didn't want to compete with what was already here.  Now, Russia, Iran, Japan, and the USA are arguably the best countries in the world at the sport/martial art of WRESTLING!  So, at the academy I coach the kids in Catch, Folkstyle, and Freestyle Wrestling.  

June 13, 2021 (Church at 2 1/2 months old)

On August 7, 2021, the Delta Variant hit the shores of New Zealand.  Our Church was only 4 months old, and the foundation was still being laid and strengthened.  The Grappling Academy was only 3 months old.  When Delta changed everything.  Then 4 months later on December 10, 2021...Omicron hit our shores.  Like our neighbor across the ditch (Australia), we became "Fortress New Zealand."  Level 4 Lockdowns (only essential services available), Vaccine Mandates/Passes, Protests, Riots, Traffic Light System put in place, Mandates on Mask Wearing, Scanning QR codes everywhere, International Borders remained closed, no traveling to other regions of the country, Golgotha Grappling Academy closed (due to new rules for gyms), limited numbers for gathering together for churches, dates for more freedoms postponed, constant changes in the laws, etc.  As well as going online for Sunday services, Prayer meetings, and Home group.  A perfect storm to beat on our new ministries.  This caused division in the church, politics and protests being more important (taking priority), having to find a new place for the church to meet at, people leaving the church, part of our leadership team moving back to Whangarei, some leaving the church because they moved to another part of the country, and both sides (Anti-Vaxxed vs. Vaxxed) prophesying my death and my family's death back in the USA.

Prison I.D.

On Friday July 16, 2021, I finally went to Hawke's Bay Regional Prison for the first time to minister.  I had to reapply, go through screening again, and attend orientation.  It took 5 1/2 months, but I was so excited to serve in this capacity again!  However, it would be short lived.  As mentioned earlier, the Delta variant hit our shores August 7, 2021.  My last day ministering at the prison, was Friday August 13, 2021.  Unfortunately, even after jumping over every hurdle they kept adding to serve/volunteer, we are not allowed back into the prison to present day.  Doors seemed to be shutting left and right, and I definitely began to question why God would want us to pioneer and launch these new ministries, knowing only a few months later what would happen...

Church Members who attended our 1st Service in 2021

On Monday June 20, 2022
, I hit my 3 year anniversary, of living and serving in New Zealand.  Most of it has been during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Although times have been challenging, there have also been some rewarding times.  People currently ask me how the ministry is going.  I simply say we are in a "rebuilding" phase.  Picking up the ruins and rubble since August 2021.  The Lord has provided another building for Calvary Hawke's Bay to meet in.  Some people are afraid to come back to church, due to fear of the Virus or the Vaccine.  As mentioned earlier, we lost some people in the chaos, and yet we have new faces and families coming.  Also, some of the same people who came to our very first service, are still with us.  A fact we acknowledged, when the church celebrated its 1 year anniversary Sunday April 3, 2022.

Team Pizza Party at Golgotha Grappling Academy
On Monday February 7, 2022,
we relaunched Golgotha Grappling Academy.  We have a great group of core students now.  Most are in it for fun, self-defense, and not wanting to be bored at home.  However, some of them are keen to compete in Freestyle Wrestling Tournaments.  It has been an absolute honor and privilege being their Coach.  We even have one brave girl who consistently comes.  In the "rebuilding" phase and a closed door for prison ministry, I knocked on some other doors.  Some stayed closed, and others opened.  In August 2022, I will be serving at Roseanne Retirement Home, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hawke's Bay (mentoring a young Maori boy), and launching Adult classes at Golgotha Grappling Academy...Lord willing.  In the midst of all the changes, the Lord also provided a place for me to live (moved around a lot), renewal of my Passport, and renewal of my Religious Worker Work Visa.  The Vision has also come to pass.  Our church has people from all over the Hawke's Bay (Region).  Our academy has students not only from New Zealand, but also Samoa, and Fiji.  To God be the Glory!!

By His Grace,

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

6 Months & 1st Furlough

Alison's Wedding Day (January 1, 2020)
Charles Spurgeon: "Rest time is not waste time.  It is economy to gather fresh strength...It is wisdom to take occasional furlough.  In the long run, we shall do more by sometimes doing less."  When I was a Missionary in Spain, people would always ask what the hardest part about it was, and still do to this very day.  I never hesitated or had to think about my response.  Without blinking I would say, "Leaving my family behind."  Now, years later, I have been blessed with another role in my family.  I am an Uncle, to two beautiful nieces that I absolutely love and adore.  Unfortunately, I believe many Missionaries carry around a false sense of guilt.  It is peculiar to me, that they are made to feel bad for missing the ones who God used to mold, shape, fashion, and form into the effective Servant of the Lord they are today!  More than that, Missionaries aren't machines void of a heart.  They are real human beings made of flesh and blood.  They have real struggles, shortcomings, flaws, failures, and sins like everybody else does.

Winning Gold February 24, 2019
On November 7, I launched a Competition Class for the juniors and seniors at Lion's Den MMA Ministries.  A practice geared for those wanting to compete in No Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.  I would also be instructing them in Catch Wrestling, to round out there grappling skills.  Although a majority of our students come to us for self-defense purposes (mentioned a few posts ago), there are kids and adults who are serious about studying and practicing these martial arts for sport/competition.  The students would be learning; some rules, how to not get disqualified, toughening up physically, mental training, visualization, participating in competitive drills/games, etc.  More importantly though, whether they win, lose, or draw, how they carry themselves.  To represent Jesus (if they are believers), Lion's Den MMA, their coaches, and themselves well.  With this extra class to prepare for and coach at, it made me also shift my focus even more so to coaching in this season/chapter.  Coaching is about giving more than taking.  I knew God was confirming to me to not retire from competing in this sport, but to take a break for now.  To take some time off as an athlete.  To put aside my own athletic hopes, aspirations, and dreams.  It was now time to pass on knowledge and experience.  To be vulnerable enough, to not just share lessons I learned from my wins, but even more so lessons from my losses, mistakes, and disappointments.  It was time to invest in these students at a greater capacity.  To make it all about them.  To celebrate when their hand gets raised, to encourage when it is isn't, and sincerely want them to accomplish and achieve great things in this sport.  The beautiful thing about it as well, is everyone has different goals.  A different "WHY" & "WHAT."  So, "greatness" and "success" looks different for everybody.  Billy Graham stated: "A Coach will impact more young people in a year than the average person does in a lifetime."

Before the Baptism of Mr. Gross
On November 25, one of our juniors who has been coming to Lion's Den MMA for many years, asked me to Baptize him along with Coach Ryan.  His name is Kahale Gross, who I affectionally call "Mr. Gross."  He is originally from South Africa.  When I took over the juniors grappling class, he became my "demonstration buddy."  We first met while doing renovations at the Den back in June 2019.  He is a great kid, who is a pleasure to work with.  He started coming to Calvary Chapel Whangarei with his mom some months back.  Once again, Pastor Ryan had done a great job over the years of planting and watering seeds.  So, on Sunday, December 8, 2019, we were blessed, honored, and humbled to Baptize Mr. Gross at Waipu Cove!  My first Baptism here in New Zealand, and first one with Calvary Chapel Whangarei is a day I will never forget.  Also, Kieran Nelson (mentioned a few posts ago), was also Baptized with his wife Janessa Nelson that same day.  Pastor Ryan and a good friend of Kieran's, did the honors.  Joe Spiers, who is a Board Member at Lion's Den MMA, along with Ryan Baptized his wife Leighanne.

Praying with Mr. Gross before Baptism
Sunday, December 8, 2019, I also had a BBQ/Meeting with just Pastor Ryan and his family.  As I approached 6 months of serving here in New Zealand, God had been stirring something in me for half a year.  I should really say, bring me back to my original CALLING.  In part, to plant churches.  The last service at Regeneration Church, was Sunday, September 30, 2018.  My resignation as Lead Pastor was official the next day on Monday, October 1.  As mentioned a few posts back, this began a transition period of 8 1/2 months of continuing to work, setting things in order, and preparing for my move to New Zealand June 20, 2019.  It was also time to reflect, and let God do a work IN me.  So, by the time 2019 was coming to a close, I knew it was time to take a step of faith yet again, and pioneer for the gospel.  I had some ideas as to where in New Zealand to go next, but Ryan brought up an area I had never considered before, mainly because I didn't know where it was at or hadn't even heard of it!  CLIFFHANGER...the story continues next post!

Hannah (Guppy) being Silly on Christmas Eve
Friday, December 20, 2019, I departed New Zealand and landed back in Los Angeles, for my 1st Furlough.  Those first 6 months, at times went fast, and at other times went slow.  It would be a short, quick trip with much packed in.  Spending the holidays with the family, officiating my sister Alison's Wedding, checking in with my home church (Calvary Chapel Lompoc), catching up with my Pastor (Mark Galvan), serving at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Missions Day, and attending the annual Calvary Chapel Missions Conference.  The theme this year was: "The Church that God Plants," talk about confirmation!  What a great trip this was.  So much love and support given.  In my times alone with the Lord, a thought hit me.  I have 2 lives once again.  The one I left behind in SoCal, and my new one here in NZ.  It doesn't have to be either or.  I have people I left behind who miss and care about me, and I have people here that miss and care about me.  It is the best of both worlds when you are a Missionary!  My love and care for the people in "both lives," is mutual.  This insight, filled my heart with thanksgiving.

With the Fantastic 4
Wednesday January 1, 2020, was a big day in the life of my family.  My beautiful sister Alison got married to Eric Matsen!  I had the honor and privilege of officiating the Wedding Ceremony in Laguna Beach, CA, where only immediate family was present.  Small and intimate, the way they wanted it.  A picturesque day in SoCal...with no clouds, beautiful sunshine, and clear blue skies.  Not hot or cold, even though it was "winter."  Simply perfect.  One of my roommates (A Missions Pastor in the USA) at the Calvary Chapel Missions Conference (January 6th-10th), out of nowhere looked at me and said: "So do you have a family?"  Now, I know what he meant.  He probably wondered if I was married and had children.  Without missing a beat, I smiled and said: "Yes I do. I have parents, 4 younger sisters, 3 brother-in-laws, and 2 nieces."  I can tell by his facial expression, he didn't expect THAT answer.  Needless to say, the subject was changed, and we got along really well the rest of the week.  So, although I came to New Zealand "alone," truly I am not alone.  Safe to say, I am a "Family Man."
With Guppy & Nugget 2 weeks before I went to NZ (June 2019)
Wednesday January 15, 2020 marked the end of my Furlough in SoCal.  In the spring of 2011, a group of eight Senior Pastors from various parts of the USA gathered together to discuss various topics in the church and the world around them.  In the final session, seven of them did some Q & A.  About half way through the session, the question posed to the pastors was..."What is something that blesses your church, that you work hard at, people don't see?"  One of them responded: "I really love what I do, and I really do love the church, but I love my family more.  Time with my family for me is really energizing, its life giving.  It's not dutiful, it's joyful, and I really need them.  In a way that I don't really need a lot of people as a kind of self sufficient introvert."  The path of the Missionary will ALWAYS be hard, there is a cost, and sacrifices will need to be made.  However, with the invention of airplanes and modern technology, it takes the "sting" out a little bit.  Loving our families and wanting to be with them, is a good testimony for those we are ministering to and trying to win for Christ.  Whether it was in Spain, or now in New Zealand, a great opportunity has always opened up to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with someone who asks: "So why did you leave your country and family to come here?"  Well, let me tell you...

By His Grace,


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

20 Years

Location of Weekly Prayer Meeting I lead Senior Year
Gregory DeVictor: "In 1999, there was no Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or Reddit.  Likewise, Google maps, iPhones, camera phones, Skype, iTunes, did not exist yet."  The Columbine High School Massacre occurred on April 20, 1999.  This school killing, was one of the first of what is now a constant occurrence.  The top song was Smooth, by Santana with Rob Thomas.  The World wide worry all year...Y2K computer bug ending the world as we know it!  I even remember kids in my youth group, with Bible covers that had these words...Y2K Survival Kit.  The book Jesus Freaks, written by DC Talk & The Voice of the Martyrs, was published.  It was my favorite book that year.  I carried it along with my Bible in my backpack.  I would even "accidentally" leave this book or my little pocket Bible out on top of my desk.  Making it purposefully visible by my peers to generate a conversation about Jesus.  I loved sharing the Gospel and Scriptures with anyone who asked about it.  I was 17 years old, in 12th grade at Upland High School.  We had a Career Center I went to regularly on campus.  I also met with a guidance counselor from time to time to help, well give counsel.  I had started meeting with her my junior year back in 1998.  She was a huge help, and invested much time in my decision making process.  I had made many plans for my future.  I had chosen a career, a possible university (even attended an all day tour), researched the annual salary, how competitive it was to land a position after schooling was complete, various statistics, saw what courses I should study in high school, and even had it down to how old I would be when I graduated.  However, in October 1999, God intervened and interrupted my life.  I sensed a calling to ministry.  I didn't know exactly or specifically what that meant.  What I did know, is although my future plans weren't bad or sinful, I hadn't really prayed about it, or even asked God what He might have in store for me.  What HIS will was for my future.  So, there I was my Senior year in high school, very afraid to overhaul everything.  Fast forward to this past October, I just hit 20 years in ministry.  Twenty years of serving Jesus to some capacity, preaching the Gospel, & teaching the Bible...

Beautiful in any & every language
On October 10th, I attended a Maori Funeral for Mary.  She was one of the first friendly faces to greet me at Calvary Chapel Whangarei.  She was a widow confined to a wheel chair.  She said a few minutes into our first conversation: "I love your accent, I was married to an American."  She made me feel very welcomed.  I can always hear Mary singing during praise & worship, praying powerful prayers, and she was so nice to talk to.  This was my first Maori funeral I have attended.  It was very intriguing & captivating, seeing the culture and customs of how these people mourned their loved ones.  However, what made it so special, was how they made much of Jesus and the godly legacy of Mary.  Knowing her only a few short months, I learned so much about her that day.  She had lived a long and full life of service & generosity to others in the name of Jesus.  Many tears flowed, especially from her grandchildren, as they shared their memories of her.  She was and is very much loved.

One of the Logos for Malachi Dads
October 15th, I finally began my first official day at Northland Region Corrections Facility, AKA Ngawha Prison!  I began the application process almost right from the start, when I arrived here in June.  It was months of e-mails, phone calls, background checks, and meetings.  I had to go through 2 phases of "tests," filling out various forms and resubmitting them by snail mail, as well as e-mail.  When I was finally accepted, I was required to attend a health and safety meeting back on September 10th.  As all the volunteers gathered around the table, the guards one by one asked us our names, titles, and what services we would be providing.  There was a dog trainer, artist, behavior specialist, meditation instructors, education tutors, & a psychologist.  I was the last to be called on and say I was a Chaplain.  It was a privilege to represent Jesus, His Word, & Gospel in this place.  It is always worth it, to go through the tedious application process when starting prison ministry.

Beginning of Malachi Dads
On October 29th, I began teaching through a 12 week course/book called Malachi Dads.  New Zealand has 18 prisons.  There are 10 in the North Island, and 5 in the South Island that house male offenders.  The remaining 3 house female offenders.  52% are Maori, 33% are Europeans, & 12% are Pacific peoples.  New Zealand's population is roughly 5 million people.  Maori make up 15% of New Zealand's national population.  They are the 2nd largest ethnic group in New Zealand, & they unfortunately make up over half the prison population.  Nearly 90% of Maori, live right here on the North Island.  Furthermore, nearly a third of all children in New Zealand grow up in fatherless homes.  This curriculum, which was introduced to me during my ministry at Men's Central Jail in Downtown Los Angeles, takes the men through a Biblical understanding of various topics/subjects including fatherhood.  They are given weekly homework, that I have the privilege of reading through, and at the end they receive a certificate of completion.  However, the secret to change isn't in the curriculum itself, or in its instructor...but in the power of the Holy Spirit, His Glorious Gospel, & Eternal Word!

Ordination of Ryan Anderson
Sunday October 27th, our church had a Ordination Ceremony for Ryan Anderson.  Faithfully serving as a Deacon for many years, he never sought the title of Pastor.  However, there was a unexpected/sudden change in leadership back in 2017, so Ryan stepped up to the plate and started leading, and doing a majority of the Bible teaching.  Nonetheless, there was confusion in the community and church, as to who was the Lead/Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Whangarei.  Now some time ago, Pastor Mark Walsh, Director of Calvary Chapel Bible Institute, & one of the Regional Leaders for Calvary Chapel here in New Zealand, wanted to make it "official."  Through many conversations and much prayer, I told Ryan for the people's sake, clarity, and vision to move forward, we should contact him about coming up and doing just that.  Not wanting to be impetuous and brazen about this matter, I volunteered to be the one to write Pastor Mark.  He then in turn contacted Ryan, to see if he even wanted to fill this role.  The congregation, Deacons, his family, & myself, saw that God had indeed raised Ryan up to shepherd the flock.  What a great day it was!  It has truly been a joy to serve alongside this man, see his gifts exercised, be his assistant and fellow brother in the Lord.  More importantly though, he is my friend.

Afterwards, we were all surprised by some young men with a HAKA.  Fighters/martial artists/coaches/athletes, that Ryan had impacted over the years at Lion's Den MMA Ministries.  As they honored him, it was very powerful & emotional because it came from their hearts.

Upland High School
Oswald Chambers: "God did not direct His call to Isaiah-Isaiah overheard God saying,'...who will go for Us?'  The call of God is not just for a select few but for everyone.  Whether I hear God's call or not depends on the condition of my ears, and exactly what I hear depends on my spiritual attitude."  These past 20 years at times have seemed to go by slow, and at other times go by fast.  I can write a book, about the highs and lows, victories and defeats, mountain top experiences and valleys, hitting a home run and striking out, etc.  It truly has been an incredible journey since those high school days.  It has been worth it to continue marching forward, because Jesus is worth it.  I can honestly say, I am more in love with Him today than I was 20 years ago.  This calling hasn't been easy, but what calling is?  Any life worth living, is never easy.  I have worn many hats in the ministry over the years...but ultimately I am called to preach His Gospel & teach His Word.  What a joy and privilege.  There is nothing I would rather be doing with my life.  God has been good to me.  Starting well is great, finishing well is even better.  So, bring on the next 20 years!  I hope and pray to do better, and be better for His glory!

By His Grace,

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Hiking Mangawhai Heads
M. David Sills: "Culture Shock is a bumpy road that every intercultural worker must negotiate.  Seasoned travelers sometimes naively think that they will not really suffer it so much.  However, while the peaks and valleys of the experience may not be as extreme for some as for others, everyone goes through the cycle of adjustment.  The shock often sneaks up on you and catches you when you least expect it."  Miles vs Kilometers, Fahrenheit vs. Celsius, Feet & Inches vs. Meters, Pounds vs. Kilograms, American English vs. Kiwi English/Maori, Pacific Daylight Time vs. New Zealand Standard time (20 Hrs. ahead here)  Yes, September was a month of adjustments.  I know it goes with the territory.  Learning new phrases, new slang, new accents, new names of things in New Zealander English, and asking many questions as to what something means (always humbling).  Back in California, Spanglish was spoken (mix of English/Spanish).  I don't know what you call it here, but a mix of Maori/New Zealander English is spoken.  New Zealand is geographically positioned in both the southern and eastern hemispheres.  So, the seasons are different then North America.  When I arrived here in New Zealand June 20th, I just missed the start of Summer (my favorite season) back in SoCal, and landed here in Winter.  I have never experienced Winter two times in a year...thumbs down!  Boo!  Ha ha!

Mission Field Car of Choice
September 3rd, Ryan and I went car shopping all day.  Although, previously I had gone online to look around, this day we were on a mission!  The motivation...I was hoping and praying to begin prison ministry soon.  If I were to be accepted, I would be going on a weekly basis.  Sometimes up to two times in a week.  I needed a car that was affordable and economical.  Yet at the same time dependable.  The commute would be one, to one and a half hours one way up North.  This would be the farthest I had ever driven for prison ministry previously.  Now, when I was a missionary in Spain, God provided through a kind German woman in my Government Spanish class, a 1995 Volkswagen Golf that was purple!  Some of you may remember from Spain Archives, I affectionately called it the Purple People Eater.  To be honest, Ryan and I had specific cars we were looking for.  However, in the back of my head I thought to myself, "It would be nice to drive a Golf again."  We went home that day with four promising options.  One of them, a 2007 Black Volkswagen Golf that caught my eye!  This import from Japan, seemed to be the best choice for a variety of reasons.  The was the most expensive and out of my budget.  Through multiple e-mails, and a couple of visits, Ryan and I were able to negotiate, and get the dealer to knock the price down to exactly what I can afford.  On September 12th, I drove Black Beauty off the lot.  Now, another adjustment...driving on the opposite side of the road with the steering wheel on the opposite side of the car!  Pray for the Kiwis (bird or people)! ;)

Anyelina 10 Years Old in the Dominican Republic
On September 13th, I received a e-mail from Pastor Jeff Shelp: "Greetings former Regeneration Family!  Just wanted to pass on some exciting news.  I continued our support of Anyelina through World Vision after the church closed with the left over funds.  I recently received a notice that her community, Adonai, has graduated--meaning they have established enough sustainable health care, educational services, and a solid loving church community for kids and families to continue growing on their own.  We started sponsoring Anyelina when she was 5 years old and she is now 10!  Thank you for all of your devotion and generosity in support of God's ministry in Venice and abroad."  Jeff also included this from World Vision:  "We reached our goal!  Your sponsorship of Anyelina worked!  Anyelina doesn't need to be sponsored anymore because her community is now self-reliant."  This brought back memories, of when Regeneration Church was only 6 months old, and we wanted to corporately support through our prayers and finances a child in need.  I have fond recollections of receiving her letters, drawings, and photos expressing her gratitude to our church family.  We would have various church members read them out loud on a Sunday morning.  Every Christmas and Easter, our Church would all sign a card for her.  This was just yet another confirmation that God used Regeneration Church not only in Venice Beach, but beyond!  It's never in vain, what we do for the Lord.  Be encouraged by 1 Corinthians 15:58"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

Ebann showing great sportsmanship after his Victory
On September 21st, I had the privilege of cornering alongside Coach Ryan & aspiring pro MMA fighter Talor Wetere, four of our Amateur MMA Fighters at Shuriken Fight Series 7 in Auckland.  They all performed well and showed a lot of heart.  However, Ebann Malae gained his first victory that night.  He had always come up short losing his previous bouts, but still knew he had what it took, to eventually get his hand raised.  Over the 3 months leading up to the match, I had a small part in helping him develop his grappling/ground game (Catch Wrestling/No Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) & mental training/visualization.  He told me months before the fight..."Eric, I just want to know what it feels like to get a victory.  You have revolutionized my grappling, you have taught me to be more patient."  After the fight, he said..."I have more confidence, I want to eventually fight for the Championship Belt."  However, Coach Ryan had instilled in him something of greater value.  With every loss, Ebann showed class & character.  He represented Jesus, himself, Ryan, and Lion's Den MMA so well.  So, when Ebann finally got his hand raised, it was no different.  After the contest was over, he went to check on his opponent (they went the distance).  The announcer gave him the microphone, and right away he gave glory and honor to Jesus Christ, before he thanked anyone else.  His family had also flown in from Australia & Vanuatu to watch him compete.  I was so happy for him, but more than that proud of him.

Left to Right: Ryan, Ebann, Me, Talor
On Sunday September 29th, we had our first official Calvary Chapel Whangarei Leadership/Vision meeting.  1 Corinthians 12:28 tells us one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is "administrations."  1 Corinthians 14:40: "Let all things be done decently and in order."  One of the ways I am serving Calvary Chapel Whangarei, Lion's Den MMA, & Pastor helping to bring organization and structure to both ministries.  We had a good turn out from those currently serving, and for those who want to get involved.  There was a genuine excitement in the room for the future of our church.  Like any spiritual gift, talent, & ability that comes from God, it needs to go through a few phases.  It needs to be discovered, cultivated, developed, exercised, & finally used for God's glory.  The result, is the Body of Christ is edified (built up) and the lost are reached.  I want to now give a shout out to Steve Flores.  When I was 21 years old, still discovering my gifts and serving as the Youth Pastor at Calvary Chapel Upland, he was on staff as the Church Administrator.  He took the time to really invest in me & help me out.  He was an unsung hero and a "behind the scenes," kind of guy.  Everywhere I have served since then, his training has been put to good use.

Some of the Lion's Den Whanau (Family)
Peter Jackson: "New Zealand is not a small country, but a large village."  The biggest adjustment is leaving everything that was familiar, comfortable, & normal behind.  One of the fighters asked me the weekend of the fights..."Do you miss home?  I mean are you actively missing home?"  The answer was yes and no.  It has been said..."Your first language is your heart language."  In my case, it would specifically be SoCal English.  LOL!!  I believe that is also true, in regards to where one is born and raised.  I will always be right at home in the USA, more specifically SoCal.  I think you should be proud of wherever you are from.  Plus, I left behind a great family, loyal friends, stellar wrestling/jiu-jitsu training partners, awesome coaches, true-hearted Aztec dancers, a loving church community, & magnanimous clients.  However, God has been good and gracious to me here in New Zealand.  From the very beginning, Calvary Chapel Whangarei & Lion's Den MMA have made me feel welcome, at home, and like part of the Whanau (family)!

By His Grace,

Monday, September 30, 2019

Ruby Red Slippers

Whangarei Falls
1 Corinthians 3:5-9: "Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one?  I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.  So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.  Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.  For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building."  The church the Apostle Paul planted in Corinth, Greece was spiritually gifted and talented.  However, there were many moral & theological knots that needed to be undone and unraveled.  They had a lot of questions for Paul.  Although they were gifted, they were really immature in a lot of ways.  In fact, Paul said he couldn't address them as spiritual people, but carnal babes in Christ.  There were a lot of things wrong with this church. There was envy (jealousy), strife (contention & debate), divisions, to name a few.  This was due in part to the Corinthians elevating & exalting men, and putting those men on a pedestal that they didn't belong on to begin with.  Although, Paul was the founding Pastor/Bible teacher in Corinth, he would eventually move on, and other men of God would come to serve in this leadership capacity.  They needed to learn that the source of salvation, spiritual growth, reaping the harvest of a soul, was never in the instruments God used.  No, it was God himself who gave the increase...

Kieran at Weigh-Ins
Sunday August 18th, I had lunch with one of the Amateur MMA Fighters from Lion's Den MMA.  He has been training there on & off since 2013, with Head Coach/Founder Ryan Anderson.  However, he just started coming to Calvary Chapel Whangarei since Easter Sunday, back in April of this year.  I had met him in September 2018, when I came to New Zealand to "spy out the land."  So, when I arrived here June 20th, we just picked up where we left off.  Coach Ryan assigned him to be my assistant, with coaching the juniors in grappling.  From there, we struck up a friendship.  It was awesome to see him coming to the church as well.  On Sunday July 14th,  I had the privilege of teaching at Calvary Chapel Whangarei for the 1st time.  After service, he approached me and said..."When you have time & are available, I would like to ask you some questions about God.  I am still on the path, the spiritual path."  As the years have gone by in ministry, these type of comments never get old.

Kieran representing Lion's Den MMA Ministries
Pastor/Head Coach Ryan Anderson (Excerpts of their story): “While I was working at Te Ora Hou in 2010, running boys clubs, one of the young guys, Jimmy Waipouri, was nagging me to do some MMA training with him. After 2 years I decided to do some training with some young guys after our Next Level Bible Studies.
In 2012, we started in Terry Watts backyard. After a while, I felt the MMA training was taking away from the Bible Study times so we decided to start doing training early in the mornings before school...several young guys came on board and we saw the potential to reach young people and provide positive mentoring and role modeling, especially for young Maori boys whom might be influenced by the gang scene. We wanted to show them you can be tough and be a humble man and also show them what a real man looks like.
In March 2013, we decided to form the board of Lion's Den and incorporate into a full charity."  

Mission: "To use mixed martial arts as a medium to reach people from all age, gender, ethnicity, and background as a way to share the gospel of Jesus Christ."  Ryan has faithfully been plowing, planting, and watering.  So, over the course of our lunch together, Kieran Nelson (got his permission) shared his story and his background with religion and spirituality.  I could sense he was "ripe for harvest," and ready to surrender his life to God.  I shared a bit of my testimony, the gospel, and some key Scriptures with him.  After our meal was finished, we walked back to the car.  There I asked if he would like me to pray with place his faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord of his life.  To receive this wonderful free gift of salvation.  Kieran responded he would like to do that.  So, there in his car, I had the honor and privilege of praying with him to give his life to Jesus Christ!  I couldn't wait to tell Ryan, so we can share in this joy together.  This young man would like you (the reader) to keep him in your prayers, as he learns what it means to walk with God.
Ruby Red Slippers worn by Judy Garland

Judy Garland played the lead role of Dorothy Gale, in the 1939 musical, The Wizard of OZ.  Multiple pairs of red ruby slippers were made for the film.  Now, although a pair only cost $9.00 to make, they were once auctioned for $15,000 in 1979, another pair for $666,000 in 2000, & another pair for $510,000 in 2011.  However, that is nothing compared to the value of the stolen pair that was taken in 2005, and found 1 year ago after 13 years. John Kelsch, executive director of the Judy Garland Museum, told the Associated Press in 2015, they were insured for $1 million.  However, they may be worth $2 million to $3 million. Why?  Well, because Judy Garland wore them, even if they were just worn for test and wardrobe shots!  What's the point?  Only this...

One of the Bible Verses for the Mission of the Ministry
Paul, Apollos, Peter.  Ryan, Eric, others...simply servants/vessels/instruments in the hand of Almighty God.  At this same lunch, Kieran also shared with me other Christians who were in his life influencing him for Jesus.  So you see God not always, but often uses various people, places, & situations to reach just 1 person.  Even as Christians, we often forget how much just 1 soul is really worth.  What incredible love!  1 Corinthians 1:12-13: "Now I say this, that each of you says, 'I am of Paul,' or 'I am of Apollos,' or 'I am of Cephas,' or 'I am of Christ.'  Is Christ divided?  Was Paul crucified for you?  Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?"  The credit, honor, praise, worship, and glory goes to God alone for Kieran's salvation.  I am just so happy and humbled that I had a very small part in it.

By His Grace,

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Unexpected Surprises & Opportunities

Preparing for Demolition
Pastor Rafael Manzanares (Santa Ponsa Community Church) said to me before I arrived in Mallorca, Spain in August 2007: "Just come and let your vision be clarified by God.  Just let go of any expectations you may have."  I am by nature a planner, very structured, hate wasting time, detail orientated, type A personality, etc.  I had been pushing Raf for months to give me a detailed "job description."  However, there was wisdom in Raf's response.  I came to Spain, not knowing exactly what I would be doing, besides learning Castilian.  He had mentioned in previous conversations he had four things going on.  He was pastoring a international church, directing a Bible college extension campus, teaching a Spanish speaking service, & had a desire to plant a church in Palma (Mallorca's Capital City).  He would say, "Just come help out."  So, I came in obedience & faith in Jesus.  It didn't take long, for God to start filling up my schedule with plenty of ministry.  Ministry I was called, equipped, & gifted by God to do.  In September 2018, I came to New Zealand for the first time to "Spy out the Land."  I had many conversations with Pastor Ryan Anderson (Calvary Chapel Whangarei), on what exactly I would be doing, if I decided to come.  It sounded like a perfect fit.  I had an idea of what to expect, or so I thought...

In the Middle of Renovations
Monday June 24th (4 days after my arrival), was my first day at Lion's Den MMA Ministries.  We begin and close each class with prayer.  At the end of class, Ryan (Founder & Head Coach) said: "Just to remind you, classes will be cancelled.  We will be closed all next week, for renovations of this building."  This was the first time I heard this would be taking place.  Now, I am no stranger to manual labor/construction...but they had the wrong Flores!  My Dad is a jack of all trades (and master of all), great with math, mechanically inclined, & loves building/creating things with his own two hands.  You can say he is a "natural."  He was a Carpenter (like Jesus), Sheet Metal worker/Welder, & then worked in the film industry.  He is the ultimate handyman.  God has wired, equipped, gifted, & called him in this type of work.  I on the other hand...not so much.  What happens so wonderfully in him, doesn't in me.  However, I came to serve no matter what, and would do the best I could.  I was thankful for the instruction, patience, and trust given to me by Ryan (Engineer by trade) & one of our Deacons Simon (Builder by trade).  On Saturday June 29th, renovations began.  The original plan was 1 week, it ended up taking 3 weeks.

Lion's Den MMA Relaunched
Saturday July 20th, we had a Lion's Den MMA Relaunch Dinner.  There was still some minor things that needed to be done, but for the most part it was finally finished!  Classes started again, and everyone felt this was the start of a exciting new season/chapter.  These renovations also benefited and blessed the church, since Calvary Chapel Whangarei now meets at the same building.

Lion's Den MMA & Calvary Chapel Whangarei
Sunday June 30th, I had lunch with Matthew Shepherd, who is one of the Bible teachers at Calvary Chapel.  I expressed to him my desire to start a Prison Ministry at the church, and to begin the application process ASAP.  Later that evening, he attended a prayer meeting that included multiple churches in Whangarei.  A woman named Gini from Angel Tree Ministries, ended up sharing about prison ministry.  Shepherd gives a me call that evening, and says "Would you like to go to a prison ministry meeting tomorrow night?"  I couldn't help but smile and think, "God that was fast!"  We both decided to join Gini & a few others, for a drive up north to this meeting on Monday July 1st.  Not knowing who else would be in attendance, we end up meeting the Chaplain for the prison I am trying to get into!  Through the month of July, I began the process of reading, filling out, signing, & sending forms to Prison Chaplaincy Service of Aotearoa New Zealand (PCSANZ).  I would have to pass two tests/phases of paperwork and background checks to get approval.

Tae Kwon Do around 1993-1994 with Grandmaster Young S. Kim
Coach Ryan Anderson, surprised me with another role I hadn't planned on.  Being a Personal Trainer by trade, I was coming to be a Strength and Conditioning Coach at Lion's Den MMA.  He asked if I was keen to teach/instruct the Juniors Grappling class (Catch Wrestling & No Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) as an Assistant Coach to him.  Although, he had hinted at the possibility of it on my trip last year, nothing was made official then.  I was excited, but really nervous.  I had coached my clients in LA, in martial arts before, but this would be my first time formally coaching classes at an academy.  It would also be my first time formally coaching juniors in martial arts.

My Gi from Childhood
Monday July 22nd, was my first official day of Coaching the Juniors class (ages 12-17).  On my first day at the Lion's Den, I told the juniors there are five basic reasons why people practice/study martial arts.  The reasons I  gave were sport/competition, self-defense, health and fitness, military, or a desire to hurt people.  I then asked why they were there.  Some raised their hands & said they wanted to get in shape/stay in shape, and an even smaller percentage said for sport/competition.  However, 90% of them raised their hands and said for self-defense.  They wanted to learn how to protect themselves and those they loved.  I shared this with Coach Ryan, and he told me there were some kids being bullied at the moment, or in times past.  This brought back memories, not of being bullied, but as to why I began martial arts in the first place.  I was always intrigued/interested by Movies & TV shows having to do with martial arts.  Sport and competition would come later, but my primary motive was purely self-defense.  By the end of the month of July, Coach Ryan graciously let me also teach/instruct the seniors grappling portion of the class alongside him from time to time (age 18 & up).  He also allowed me to start a extra Seniors Grappling class, for those who wanted extra practice.  It truly has been rewarding.  God truly does use everything we've experienced and gone through, for future ministry to others.

Warren Wiersbe
Warren Wiersbe (On Being A Servant Of God): "During my childhood, I was frustrated because I didn't have the abilities other boys had, especially in athletics & the manual arts.  I was the last one chosen for every team & I passed my junior high school shop courses mainly because the instructors liked my two older brothers, both of whom are good craftsmen.  Believe me, those school years weren't easy; and there were times when I was bitter.  'Why me, God?'  But God didn't prepare me to be an athlete, a woodworker, or a mechanic.  He wanted me to be a preacher and a writer, & He arranged for that when He planned my genetic structure.  He did the same thing for you, & He knew what He was doing.  Your abilities & interests are an important part of the will of God for your life.  Nobody's perfect, & nobody can do everything.  There are gifted musicians who can train choirs & present splendid concerts, but they have problems preparing & following budgets.  I have preacher friends who are masters of the pulpit but are miserable in the counseling room.  Not all preachers are good administrators, & some excellent missionaries are not gifted pulpiteers.  There's something in human nature that makes us want to have what the other person has.  The evangelist wants to be a theologian, the singer wants to preach, & the preacher wants to sing!  We were all born with different interests & abilities, & when we were saved, we were given different gifts.  I believe God matches spiritual gifts with natural abilities so that we can fill the place He has for us & do the job He wants us to do."

By His Grace,

3 Years Later

  Amy Carmichael with Children in India Christian History Institute : "When she was a child, her mother told her that if she prayed, th...